Where to find the right team members: It’s one of the biggest questions business owners and coaches have about finding the right people for their team right now.

If you don’t know where to look, finding the right people to join your dream team can become a headache and you run the risk of putting it in the too-hard basket.

So before that happens to you, here’s a list of places on where to find the right team members to join your amazing business.

Hiring right can impact your business in such a positive way

  • While hiring is not necessarily easy, it is worth it because it can increase your sales and profit.
  • You can understand your business capacity in a more detailed fashion so you can see what strategies and activities to do next for growth.
  • You can get the right balance for your work and lifestyle – and that will feel so good.


Word of mouth has often been the best advertisement. Think about the last amazing meal you had … what was it, how did it taste, how was it cooked, would you eat it again?

I’m pretty sure you just said it was delicious, it tasted great, it was perfectly cooked and you’d go back to that place over and over again, right?

And I bet you’d tell your friends about it too? You’re nodding with excitement right now, aren’t you?! Mouth watering?!

So when it comes to hiring someone new for a task, project or as a permanent member of your team, ask your business colleagues, friends and family for referrals and where to find the right team members:

For example, say you need a VA or OBM, and you know one of your colleagues or business friends has had great success with their VA or the company they used to find that person … ask them for a referral. They will be more than happy to help you because your friends in business want to talk about the successes they are having and they want you to succeed too.


Networking is the next best place to find the right team members for your business because you are often meeting them face to face (even if it is online at the moment) and you can get a feel for them straight away. 

It makes finding the right people for the job quick because you are having real-time conversations and they are likely to give you referrals as well, or you might meet the right person then and there.

Recruitment company (in-house or third party outsourcing)

Recruitment companies are a top choice if you want to save time and let someone else handle the task for you. While this is a great option, it is often one that has a price tag associated with it. So keep that in mind.

Essentially a recruitment agency will source the candidates from their pool of talent, pre-qualify them for you and give you a list of candidates that are the best people for the job. 

You can then interview them yourself or you can have the recruiter do this for you. If you have an in-house recruitment team, they will handle this task for you.


Another way to find people to help you with your tasks and projects is to self-advertise, especially on social media. You may also email your list of clients and leads too to let them know you are hiring and are they interested in the position of work or do they know someone who is.

Also use websites like Seek to post your job advertisements.

Outsourcing platforms

Another way to find the right team members is through outsourcing platforms like Fiverr and Upwork. Many people on these platforms are just starting out in business and have skills to share as cost-effective options, while others get the majority of their work through platforms like this.

The best advantage to using an outsourcing platform is that the experience and skills level is varied, so you can get someone with minimal experience who you can train up, or people with many years’ experience who can think strategically for you.

MUST READ: Check out my previous blog on the areas you need to focus on when hiring your dream team. You can read the blog here:

Top 4 things to consider when expanding your team to hire the right people

If your approach to hiring is all wrong, read on…

Getting the right people for the tasks you need help with will change your life – wherever you find them. But it’s important to have your systems and processes documented so your new people can hit the ground running and you spend little time training them.

I’d love to help you do that so your dream team works for you and your business. Get in touch today and let’s have a conversation about how you can get started.